Saturday, August 31, 2019

Wireless Charging Of Mobile Using Microwaves

Abstract: In today’s modern era, mobile phones have become a basic need for people all over the world. The charging of mobile phone has become an arduous task. It is a hectic task to carry everywhere the charger of mobile phones or any electronic gadget while travelling or it is very cruel when your mobile phone getting off by the time you urgently need it. It is the major problem in today’s electronic gadgets. Though the world is leading with the developments in technology, but this technology is still incomplete because of certain limitations. Today’s world requires the complete technology and this purpose is solved using a technique called ‘Wireless Charging of Mobile Phones Using Microwaves’.INTRODUCTIONBASIC CONCEPTS:The technique mentioned has two basic concepts. They are:- Electromagnetic spectrum Microwave regionELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM:-When white light is shone through a prism it is separated out into all the colors of the rainbow this is c alled the visible spectrum. According to some physicians light consists of tiny particles called photons. Photons are bundle of energy. The speed of light is about 300,000,000 meters per second as light hit something that means it may be bounce off, go right through or get absorbed. If they bounce off something and then go into your eye you will see the thing they have bounced off. This is the cause of vision.MICROWAVE REGION:Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from as long as one meter to as short as one millimeter, or equivalently, with frequencies between 300 MHz (0.3 GHz) and 300 GHz. Microwave technology is extensively used for point-to-point telecommunications (i.e., non  broadcast uses).Microwaves are especially suitable for this use since they are more easily focused into narrower beams than radio waves, allowing frequency reuse; their comparatively higher frequencies allow broad bandwidth and high data transmission rates, and antenn a sizes are smaller than at lower frequencies because antenna size is inversely proportional to transmitted frequency. At high frequencies, atmosphere is less transparent to microwaves. Microwaves are used in applications where information has to travel long distances between ground stations and communications satellites. Microwaves are also employed in microwave ovens and radar technology.The frequency selection is another important aspect in GHz ISM band for the purpose of concern. As Indus-trial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) some bands are reserve for some specific purpose. So we can’t use it. Here S band 2.45 GHz is freely available band which can be used for experimentWIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSIONWireless power transmission works on the principle of Magnetic induction. As we put one coil carrying current through it, it creates a magnetic field near to it. And if we put other coil over there than it is induce by the first coil and it carry current from it. This is the princ iple of magnetic induction.WIRELESS POWER TRANSMITTING SYSTEM:This system gives the validity of principle of magnetic induction in wireless communication. The basic components of a wireless transmitting system are:- Transmitter: It consists of microwave generator and transmitting antenna(preferably, slotted waveguide antenna) ïÆ'ËœReceiver: It consists of a receiving antenna and a receiver. A receiver is major part in wireless mobile charging.SYSTEM DESIGNThe system designing of wireless charging of mobile phone using microwaves mainly consist of four parts asTransmitter design Receiver design The Process of Rectification Sensor CircuitryTRANSMITTER DESIGN:It mainly consists of a magnetron which is a diode vacuum tube with cathode filament. Magnetron is actually behaved as an oscillator to produce microwaves. It can be done by putting magnet between the resonating chambers which is the center of the oscillator. These resonating chambers are named as anode in the magnetron.When elec trons come out from the cathode and go direct towards the Anode, it passes through the magnetic field. It starts circulating in the resonating cavity and start producing waves according to its frequency. And the generated RF signal by this flow outside of the chamber.RECEIVER DESIGN:-The basic addition to the mobile phone is going to be type of antenna that is used to directly convert microwave energy into DC electricity. This is done by a component known as Rectenna. Actually the size of Rectenna can be reducing using the Nano technology.Rectenna system The elements of Rectenna are usually arranged in antennae. The current included by the microwaves in the antenna is rectified by the diode which powers a load connected across the diode. Scotty diodes are used because they have low voltage drop and high speed so that they have low power loss. Rectenna are highly efficient at converting microwave energy above 90% have been observed with regularity A sensor must be added at the receiv er side. Since the phone must be charged while a person is talking. So here sensor is used to detect wither the phone is using microwaves or not.PROCESS OF RECTIFICATION:-Microwave can easily travel through the media but it also loses some energy. So our key objective is to rectify the circuit and to rectify the waves at the low cost. And also we have to make the detection more sensitive. As we know that bridge rectification is more efficient than the single diode we use this for the better performance. We use the schottky diode to get the better impedance. The Schottky barrier diode is an ideal diode, such as for a 1 ampere limited current PN interface. Another advantage of the Schottky barrier diode is a very low noise index that is very important for a communication receiver; its working scope may reach20GHzSENSOR CIRCUITRY:-The sensor circuitry is a any message signal. This is very important as the phone has to be charged as long as the user is talking. . Thus a simple frequency to voltage converter would serve our purpose. And this converter would act as switches to trigger the rectenna circuit to on. So when our phone is receiving microwave signal it make the rectenna circuit on and charge the battery. Here in India the operating frequency of the GSM is 900 MHz to 1800 MHz. We can use LM2907 for F to V conversion.CONCLUSIONIt can be concluded from this technique, this usage of mobile phones is made simpler and leads to elimination of the need for separate chargers for mobile phones making charging universal. This improvisation in mobile phones allows the mobile phone users to carry their phones anywhere even if the place is devoid of facilities for charging. Thus the tagline the more you talk, the more your mobile phone is charged is perfectly implemented. With this proposal the manufacturers would be able to remove the talk time and battery standby from their phone specifications. A novel use of the rectenna and a sensor in a mobile phone could provide a new dimension in the revelation of mobile phone.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Carter’s Economic Policies Led to Savings and Loan Failure

The Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s cost approximately $160 billion, out of which the American taxpayer shouldered in excess of $120 billion in Government bailout measures. The huge budget deficits that resulted can only be compared to the current global economic crisis. However, the genesis of the S & L crisis can be traced back to the failed economic policies of President Jimmy Carter. When Jimmy Carter took over as president in 1979, he inherited an economy in recession. Oil prices were high, unemployment and incomes were low. In order to stimulate the economy, he proposed to increase government spending and introduce tax cuts, but withdrew the former and vetoed the latter when interest rates continued to rise. Instead, when inflation peaked in 1978, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Paul Volcker, initiated policies to tame inflation by reducing the money supply and increasing interest rates. However, these measures had a negative effect and inflation skyrocketed, unemployment reached 11 percent, accompanied by a prime rate of 21. 5 percent (Federal Deposit Insurance Coorporation, 2006). In this climate, the savings and loan institutions could not survive. They were now confronted with asset-liability-mismatches where the costs they were incurring on short term funding were higher than the returns they were getting on fixed-rate-mortgages. Additionally, the passage of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act, introduced risks and opportunities which the S & L’S were not qualified to administer. Inevitably, many S & L’s began to go under. In retrospect, Jimmy Carter’s policies should have focused on lowering interest rates and possibly left the money markets as they were. Read also Analyze the Ways in Which British Imperial Policies References Federal Deposit Insurance Coorporation (2006, February). The 1970’s. Retrieved on July 27, 2009 from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Investment banking & private banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Investment banking & private banking - Essay Example This development must bring about sustainable increase in living standards which implies that per capita income of the citizens will improve improved education and health as well as an environment that is friendly to human life. It's a concerted effort on the government to steer the direction of private sector of the country or in a city towards creating opportunities that lead to sustainable economic growth that can provide enough incomes to the labor force, enable employers to gainfully engage in business opportunities that eventually can provide enough tax revenue to maintain the country's infrastructure, this support a continued growth. It's therefore important that every country's governing body appreciate the impact of private sector investments in steering the economic development. Although there are several initiatives that enhance investments both domestic and foreign, there is no better alternative to private sector investment as an engine for development. The economic deve lopment process requires legal and institutional adjustments which enhance provision of incentives for innovation as well as investments so as to create an efficient production process and distribution system for the goods and services. (Sosale, S, 2000). It is important to know that economic development is different from community development. Community development is a process that is directed to making a community a better place for habitat as well as a better place to work. It's a structured intervention that focuses on giving the communities greater control over the factor that affect their lives thereby giving them confidence to tackle their problems as effectively as possible. Community development work hand in hand with the local groups and organizations that represent communities at local levels (World Bank, 2008, p.67). Community development may involve improvement of living standards f people in a certain part of a country or region but economic development involves improvement of well being of its people within the different layers of society such that everyone in the country or region has to potential and increased quality of life. Economic development is simply the creation of wealth in which the community benefits are enhanced. It involves deliberate intervention in the normal economic growth of a country to give positive results. From a public perspective, local economic development is a process that involves allocation of limited resources - land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship in a way that positively effect the countries business activities, Income distribution, employment and poverty reduction efforts. Looking at the various definitions of economic development by different scholars, no single definition captures all the different strands of development although there are common measurement tools like employment increase, improved economic output and increase in tax revenue (World Bank, 2006, p.89). Economic Growth & development though are largely interrelated; they are different in meaning as used in economics. Most economists use the term economic development to explain the various problems facing the underdeveloped countries and economic growth to in regard to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Physical Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Physical Education - Essay Example However, this teaching and learning approach minimizes teachers overall participation in the students learning process. Marching students and teachers experience together ensures a successful learning outcome (Vickerman 2006). Therefore, the minimization of teacher’s participation is a negative impact that this teaching and learning approach can bring to the implementation of national curriculum for PE. It is believed that it can hinder skills development in physical activities and thus hinder achievement of successful learning outcomes. That is why it is always advisable to use this teaching and learning approach in combination with other approaches. The other most widely used learning style is the command style. In this learning style, the teacher makes all the decisions in the learning process (Mohnsen 2008). Command style can combine well with all our three learning styles, which are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. When combined with these learning styles it assists in the delivering of the PE curriculum in several ways. According to Stidder (2010), this type of teaching style could promote safety during the implementation of the curriculum. This is because the teacher is always under control of all the activities undertaken during a learning process. This actually makes this teaching and learning approach to be very popular in PE education due to the risky activities involved. When this approach is adapted in implementing a PE Curriculum, both positive and negative impacts are experienced. This kind of approach allows delivering of information to a large group of people in a short period (Galligan 2000). The national curriculum for PE is large in terms of content and thus in most cases... The other most widely used learning style is the command style. In this learning style, the teacher makes all the decisions in the learning process. Command style can combine well with all our three learning styles, which are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. When combined with these learning styles it assists in the delivering of the PE curriculum in several ways. According to Stidder (2010), this type of teaching style could promote safety during the implementation of the curriculum. This is because the teacher is always under control of all the activities undertaken during a learning process. This actually makes this teaching and learning approach to be very popular in PE education due to the risky activities involved.When this approach is adopted in implementing a PE Curriculum, both positive and negative impacts are experienced. This kind of approach allows delivering of information to a large group of people in a short period. The national curriculum for PE is large in terms o f content and thus in most cases, the time allocated is not sufficient. Furthermore, there is always a need to administer it to a large group of students within the little time allocated. This makes this approach very fundamental when it comes to implementation of the curriculum for physical education. However, it also has some negative impacts, especially when used alone to implement a curriculum. The major negative impact of this approach is that it does not give students freedom of choice to reason out a solution to a particular problem.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency Research Paper

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency - Research Paper Example However, the agency has a third directorate that is the Management and Administration. The Directorate roles are the issuance of professional mission support and management for the agency to meet its goals. The Enforcement and Removal Operations role is enforcing the United States immigration laws in an effective and fair manner. It, therefore, identifies and arrests removable aliens. Furthermore, they can either detain or remove the illegal immigrants in the country where necessary. The directorate’s priority is to apprehend, arrest, and remove convicted criminals that are deemed as a national security threat. They also deal with the border entrants, fugitives, and those seeking asylum in the United States. Homeland Security Investigations directorates role is to investigate the activities that arise due to illegal movement of good and people out, into, or within the United States. The activities to be investigated can either be international or domestic. Lastly, the Manageme nt and Administration Directorate is made of professional staff and managers whose role is to ensure that the agency meets it set goals. Â  The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency are multi-faceted thus addressing several issues in a go. Its work is not limited to law enforcement of immigration issues. In explanation, the customs enforcement takes a significant share of the agency’s budget. The agency, therefore, does not deal only with immigration but also the customs services that include the entry at the ports, enforcement of the intellectual property, investigating of child pornography issues, and international suppression of gangs (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement). The agency also plays other roles like eliminating human trafficking, conducting cargo inspection, returning the found stolen- antiquities, and interdicting weapons, drugs, bulk cash, and other smuggled substances. Â  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Deconstructionism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Deconstructionism - Assignment Example Furthermore, it dissects binary issues, particularly nature versus modernity, truth versus deception, and essence versus appearance. â€Å"Gooseberries† examines the difference between being good, which can lead to the illusion of happiness and power, and doing good, which results to action, truth, and a meaningful life. One of the initial binary oppositions is between nature and modernity, where Chekhov proposes a paradoxical view of nature. In the beginning, nature is separated from modernity, because of the distinction between the towns and the farms. On one side, â€Å"endless, telegraph-posts, and the train† occupy the eyesight, while on the other side, people can see the â€Å"bank of the river; meadows, green willows, farmhouses† (Chekhov 1). Chaos and tedium seem to infiltrate the symbols of modern living, while nature is full of action, diversity, color, and life. Nevertheless, as rain pours on n Ivanich and Bourkin, nature acquires a more sinister dispo sition. What used to be a lovely setting of hills suddenly becomes â€Å"wet, muddy, and unpleasant, and the river looked cold and sullen† (Chekhov 1). At the same time, because the mud made walking a chore, Ivanich and Bourkin look like â€Å"they were angry with each other† (Chekhov 1). ... Nicholai is a perfect example of a wasted life, because all that matters to him is having a happy life with no ideology and care for disadvantaged sectors of society. He worked at the Exchequer Court, but he did nothing of significance, as he held this important job. Instead of ensuring the spread of social justice and equality, he is more concerned of his self-interests. He is obsessed with the idea of having a farm of his own with a gooseberry bush. This obsession drives him to be stingy, not only with money, but with human compassion. For Ivan, his brother unintentionally kills his rich, old wife through starving her to death and making her feel miserable about her life. Through his brother’s case, Ivan argues for the difference between happiness and misery. Nicholai seems to be happy, because he attained his dream, but his gooseberries are â€Å"hard and sour† (Chekhov 4). It suggests that he appears to be happy, but he has a miserable life. He is fat and dying for no evocative purpose at all, except to deceive himself that he has a good life and that he is a good man. Nicholai insists on being called â€Å"His Lordship,† and yet his sloth and vanity are far from the qualities of a true God (Chekhov 4). Nicholai also believes that the masses do not need education and that corporal punishment is justifiable to some extent (Chekhov 4). Ivan expresses disgust for his brother, who has lost in touch with his nature, the nature with real ideals worth living and dying for. Gooseberries are motifs for the difference between doing good and being good. Having a farm and doing nothing to improve its state, especially the state of its people is â€Å"†¦egoism, laziness; it is a kind of monasticism, but monasticism

Sunday, August 25, 2019

National Science Teachers Association Standards Essay

National Science Teachers Association Standards - Essay Example The NSTA standards are mostly for the teachers who teach science. These standards make sure that the teachers of all levels who teach science should have the capability and the ability to teach science to the students and they (teachers) have the ability to understand the subject as well. These standards also work as a measurement against the teacher's performance. The teacher has to give a satisfactory performance of his or her skills and knowledge about the subject in the science teacher preparation program. There are about 10 NSTA standards and they are Content is the first standard of NSTA standards. In content the teachers of science must be able to understand the subject the matter and its practices thoroughly. It is important that they understand the concepts and grasp the ideas and applications of the subject. The teachers must be able to convey the important concepts and the ideas and the applications of the subject to the students. The teachers are able to use mathematical calculations successfully that they can generate reports and process data and solve problems related to their field. It is very important for the teacher of science that they have a very strong content background in the field of science. Content standard basically includes the knowledge and the skills that learned by the teachers in their teacher's science curriculum. The content standard ... The teacher must have the grasp of their related field and have the capability to make the students understand the chemical kinetics, the physical and chemical properties, mole concept, fundamental concept of atoms and molecules, fundamental biochemistry and organic synthesis. The teacher should make the subject they are teaching interesting so that learning can take place. It can be done with taking field trips, teaching in such a way that it connects to real life, or through videos etc. Nature Of Science is the second standard of NSTA standards. The teachers, who teach science make the students learn how to differentiate between what is science and is non-science, make them understand the practice of science and the origins of science. The teachers themselves should also understand the goals and the values that are important in the development of scientific studies as well if they plan to teach the nature of science. The nature of science standard can be used in the school curriculum. The teachers should have the skill to engage students in the classroom to participate in the analysis of the scientific assumption and claims. The professors or teachers should be able to show that they can make the students participate in the study of nature of science. The teachers can provide the students with case studies, through seminars on the nature of science or through assignments or projects etc. Inquiry is the third standard of NSTA standards. The teacher who are teaching science engage the students in classroom discussions and make sure that the student takes an active participation in the learning through scientific inquiry. The teachers have to make sure that they can teach through inquiry, they have to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Taoism View of Knowledge Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Taoism View of Knowledge - Case Study Example Socrates’ profession of his ignorance is widely known because he does not proclaim that he knows nothing. He asserts that he knows nothing valuable. If one understands the nature of human virtues, he will know how to conduct his life. He also comes up with a principle called the priority of definition. One cannot specify what something is unless he provides its definition. Since we have all lived with knowledge buried in us, we only need to reactivate it to bring it to the surface. Knowledge involves the ability to elucidate why things are the way they are. In a nutshell, knowledge is the understanding of the subject matter rather than a guess or an opinion of what something entails. Thus, learning is a recollection (Buffy 39-51). Taoism is one of the major religio-philosophical traditions that have shaped Chinese life for a long time. It is characterized by a positive and active attitude towards the theories on the nature of reality. Taoism incorporates the ideas and attitudes of Lao-Tzu (Tao Te Ching) and his later commentators Chuang-Tzu and Lieh –Tzu who influenced the worship of Tao. On constructs of knowledge and language, Taoists holds the view that all human beings are fundamentally one. Differences only arise when people lose sight of the whole and see their ways as worthy. He compares those people with a frog at the base of the well who values the brightness he sees from the sky.   All that is good and evil, true or false are relative notions; an argument means that one is failing to see (Hans 21). The Taoists view of the ideal relates to being innocent of knowledge and devoid of desire. However, the basics of food and clothing are exceptional in the free of desire. Other desires above these basics need to be overcome. Desiring food is acceptable but the desire for delicacies is what is discouraged. Knowledge of what is desirable brings excitement and satisfaction. Knowledge is unavoidable, hence, we need to use it to reduce rather than increase desire. Unfortunately, we use knowledge to increase desire because what we do not know cannot hurt us.

Essay convincing students of the benefits of studying abroad - 1

Convincing students of the benefits of studying abroad - Essay Example Students get to interact with the locals on a daily basis and through this they learn and experience the culture of the host society. They learn new customs, traditions, foods, social conventions, beliefs, and values, experiencing the cultures in depth. With the new experience, students learn to appreciate their culture and the new culture. Interacting with new cultures make the students break cultural barriers they had before. Being in a foreign country, offers students the chance to visit tourist attractions such as museums, landmarks and natural wonders in the host country. Studying abroad provides an opportunity to learn a foreign language. Students often learn foreign languages in classrooms while in their countries and rarely get to practice it in real life settings. Learning abroad provides the environment to improve one’s language skills. As students interact with peers, they practice and perfect their skills regarding the foreign language (McKeown 42). Written language sometimes differs from the spoken language, being immersed in the culture, they have firsthand experience even learning slang, which is not taught in the classroom. Different countries have varied styles of education. The same concepts that students study may be expressed in a new style that is different from their country of origin. When student from different backgrounds study together, they discover new ways to study and research. Ideas they share are from diverse perspectives, influenced by varied experiences and cultures. Their discussions have a global perspective, avoiding bias influenced by one way of life. Global problems influenced by differences in cultures and religions are understood and addressed with informed sensitivity Students abroad find themselves alone, often for the first time, in a foreign country. They have new found freedom and responsibility. Studying

Friday, August 23, 2019

Emplyment interviews Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Emplyment interviews - Essay Example The main disadvantages are high cost and lack of anonymity. Still, this type of interviews is crucial for effective recruitment because it allows certain standardization of description. To effect the standardization and control for which procedures are designed, they are presented in a specific format conveying information for a particular action to be taken (Sammar et al 2009). The second type is a structured interview. During this interview, the action may be only one step in a series of steps or the entire series. Once formalized in this manner, procedures need to be followed explicitly to achieve their objectives. Hence the rigidity of bureaucracy. Sometimes exceptions may be made to a formalized procedure, but in that case the manner of making an exception is also formalized. In a systems context, a procedure is like a hard-wired circuit. It ensures predictability. The main advantages are high reliability and level of control. The main disadvantage is a law level of personal involvement of an interviewer. The third type is behavioral interviews. Much of the workers knowledge is conscious, obtained in schools, training, and / or on the job. But much of it is also subconscious, a distillation of experience in which personal solutions to problems encountered in the course of the workday may or may not have worked. The main advantages are the possibility t o measure attitudes and accurate reflection. The main disadvantage is subjectivity (influenced by age, income level, race, etc.). The forth type is situation interview. The environment created within the focus group is one in which the conscious knowledge of the participants comes together, and insights are expressed that may be new or may have only existed under the surface. As he or she leads the workshop, an emerging pride is evidenced by the participants in the interview analysis they use to do their jobs to the standards required for quality

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Morality Essay Essay Example for Free

Morality Essay Essay In 1994 Kevin Carter won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography thanks to a photograph that he took in the village of Ayod in Sudan of a child crawling towards a feeding center. Whether it was morally right for him to have captured that moment instead of helping the child is a debate with many people. Some people believe that it was right because it helped stop the famine in Africa, others believe it was wrong because he did not aid the child after taking the picture. It is understood that there was thousands of refugees walking and crawling towards the food center, so was he suppose to help everyone or just that child? In philosophy class we have been talking about Morality in Kant’s point of view which is the Categorical Imperative and also about the Morality point of view based on Consequentialism. I believe that it was not morally permissible for Kevin Carter to leave the child because of Kant’s point of view on Morality, and that he should have not won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography based on this photo and I will explain why in this essay. According to Kant we should base morality on the Universal Law which means we should universalize our actions. This law is the same as the Golden Rule; Treat others the way you want to be treated. What Kant established basically was that we should respect all persons morally equal. The Consequentialism point of view on morality on the other hand is that we should base it on the principle of utilitarianism which means that for an action to be moral it must produce â€Å"The Greatest amount of Good for the Greatest amount of people†. Even though I agree with the consquentialism point of view on morality I do not agree with it this time. Why? Because I believe that at all times we should treat others the way we want to be treated and that all humans are equal. This is why when answering our question I based my answer on Kant’s point of view based on morality. I believe that it was not morally permissible for Kevin Carter to leave the child after he took the picture. First of all I believe that Kevin should have not taken the picture period, he should have right away went to aid the child. Like Kant said we should treat others the way we want to be treated, if Carter was in a position like that he would have not liked to be left there to his own luck. I understand that Carter had a professional obligation where he is only an observer not a participant, which means he was only there to observe and take pictures of the whole situation. I also understand that he was there illegally and that he did not want to get caught yet he had a personal responsibility to help the child. In passage given to us by Professor Jordan it is said that Carter was with a group of photojournalist called â€Å"the Bang-Bang Club† by a Johannesburg magazine. These people wanted to make the world aware of all the issues of injustice. There is where I believe that Carter’s personal responsibility plays role. Carter wanted the world do be aware of all the issues going around the world and for them to help. They were there because they wanted other countries all around the world to stop the famine, yet he did not help a child when it was in his hands to help that child and just left. Carter here was contradicting his believes to start with. Carter did not only just take the picture but waited several minutes for the vulture to spread his wings so he could get a more dramatic shot. Carter did not only use the child to get a picture but waited patiently to get a better picture instead of scaring the vulture right away from the child and helping him or her. There were more pictures that could have impacted us, and I am sure that if he looked around he would have found this is why I do not believe he should have taken the picture. I do not believe that he should have won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography based on that photo. I think that it was wrong to win a prize by using other people. Carter used the child and did not even aid the child. Considering that I believe that it was wrong for Carter to have even taken that picture I strongly do not believe that he should have won that prize. Carter could have used any other photograph to get his point across yet he decided to use that one and take his sweet time to take it anyways, he used the child and did not help her. I honestly do no believe that he should have one that prize. In Conclusion I believe that Carter should have not used the child to take that picture, and he shouldn’t have won the prize. I believe that Carter had the responsibility to help the child because he saw the child suffering and in danger of getting attacked by the vulture. Given the fact that he was the only one there he had the responsibility to help the child. We should do unto others what we would like to be done to us. If I was in that child’s position I would have liked to be helped like I am sure Carter would have too. I think that if Carter would have helped the child he would have not been depressed and committer suicide because he would have known he did something good by helping the child. Like I said before I am pretty sure he could have chosen another photograph to get his point across to have people help stop the famine. Besides he wanted people to help yet it was in his reach to help this child and he did not? He was going against his own believes in my opinion. I believe that it was morally wrong for Carter to not help the child get to the food bank or at least a safer place, closer to were that child could get the help needed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How To Develop Pricing Strategy For A Product Marketing Essay

How To Develop Pricing Strategy For A Product Marketing Essay This Paper tries to link between the first two components of a marketing mix: product strategy and pricing strategy. In order to help decision makers to define the optimum pricing strategy for product mix. Marketers broadly define a product as a bundle of physical, service, and symbolic attributes designed to satisfy consumer wants. Therefore, product strategy involves considerably more than producing a physical good or service. It is a total product concept that includes decisions about package design, brand name, trademarks, warranties, guarantees, product image, and new-product development. The second element of the marketing mix is pricing strategy. Price is the exchange value of a good or service. An item is worth only what someone else is willing to pay for it. In a primitive society, the exchange value may be determined by trading a good for some other commodity. Pricing strategy deals with the multitude of factors that influence the setting of a price. Table of Contents Introduction This paper will review each of the variables that affect the optimum pricing strategies of a product, the researcher will start with defining The product and exploring how product classification can affect the product mix decision in the firm, then researcher will study the product life cycle and how it can affect the pricing and marketing strategies during the different stages of the cycle. Secondly the researcher will tackle the pricing as one of the marketing strategies and what can affect the pricing strategy either internally from inside the firm or externally from outside the firm, finally researcher will define the linkage between pricing strategy, marketing strategy and the product mix. Problem Statement How to define the optimum pricing strategy for product mix as part of the firm marketing strategy Research Questions What is a product and how product classification can affect the Product mix decision for a firm? What is the linkage between the product life cycle and marketing strategy? What are the different pricing objectives? What factors are affecting the pricing strategy for a product? What is the linkage between pricing strategy, product and marketing strategy? Marketing Strategies Marketing Planning begins with formulating an offering to meet target customers needs or wants, where the customer will judge this offering by mainly two elements; product features and quality, and price. (Kotler Keller, 2009) Before a new product launch, marketers create marketing programs to maximize the chance of success. This is often a challenging managerial decision because, to set the appropriate pricing levels, managers must have reliable estimates as to how sales would respond to different levels of a marketing-mix variable. (JACKIE LUAN SUDHIR, 2010). The long term performance of mature product will be affected by the integrated marketing strategy including pricing (BERK ATAMAN, VAN HEERDE, MELA, 2010). Product Product is no more a tangible offering, but it can be more than that, Product can be anything that is offered to a market to satisfy a want or a need, including physical goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, information, and ideas. (Kotler Keller, 2009) There are many aspects of product development to consider. A product or service has features: function, appearance, packing, and guarantees of performance that help people solve problems. When designing a product, marketers should address the issue of product classes. (Smith Strand, 2008) Product Classification Products are classified on the basis of; durability, tangibility and use (consumer or industrial), where each product type has its appropriate marketing strategy. (Kotler Keller, 2009) Durability and Tangibility: The products can be sub-classified into three categories according to the durability and tangibility; where goods can be either nondurable goods, durable goods or a service. Nondurable Goods will be tangible, normally consumed in one or a few uses and they are purchased frequently, such as soap. Durable Goods are tangible goods that survive many uses, such as refrigerators. Services are intangible, inseparable and perishable products. Consumer Goods Classification: According to the consumers shopping habits; products can be sub-classified into convenience, shopping, specialty, and unsought products. Consumer purchase Convenience Goods frequently and with minimum efforts such as soaps and soft drinks. When the consumer characteristically compare on bases of suitability, quality and price, this is a Shopping Goods such as furniture. Specialty Goods are goods with unique characteristics for which a sufficient numbers of consumers are willing to make a special purchasing effort such as sportive cars. There are another category of goods that consumer doesnt normally think of buying such as life insurance which is classified as Unsought Goods. Industrial Goods Classification: According to the goods relative cost and how they enter the production process; Industrial goods can be sub classified into Material and Parts, Capital Items, and Supplies and Business Services. Material and Parts are goods that enter the manufacturers product completely such as raw materials. Capital Items are long lasting goods that facilitate developing or managing the finished products, such as buildings and heavy equipment. Supplies and Business Services are short-term goods and services that facilitate developing or managing the finished goods, such as maintenance and repair. Product Mix The Product Mix is the totality of product lines offered by a company. Product mix decisions involve varying their width, depth and consistency. Mix width refers to the number of different product lines the company carries. Mix consistency includes assessing the relationship between product lines in terms of common end uses, prices, distribution outlets and markets served. (Clemente, 2002) Before a new product launch, marketers have to create marketing programs to maximize the chance of success. In other words, they must forecast the market responsiveness to various marketing-mix variables. Although there is substantial literature on new product sales forecasting, there has been scant research related to forecasting marketing-mix responsiveness before a new product launch. (JACKIE LUAN SUDHIR, 2010) Determining the product-mix is one of the most important decisions relating to planning. Such decision implies utilizing limited resources to maximize the net value of the output from the production facilities. The quantity produced from each product in a certain time period results in utilizing certain resources for that time, consuming certain amount of raw materials, using certain labor skills and various production centers, and so on. The objective of the product-mix decision in the overall production plan is to find the product mix and the production program that maximizes the total contribution to profit/throughput subject to constraints imposed by resource limitations, market demand, and sales forecast. (Al-Aomar, 2000) The product designer should take into account both marketing and engineering considerations concurrently in a product line design. (LUO, 2011) Linkage between Product Classification and Product Mix In offering a product line, companies should offer basic platform of products and modules that can be added to meet different customers requirements, this approach enables companies to offer variety of products and to lower their production cost, therefore; each product line manager has to know the sales and profits of each item in his product line in order to determine which product mix strategy to implement, and to know which items to build, maintain, harvest, or divest. (Kotler Keller, 2009) Product classification has implication on how companies will formulate their product mixtures and what marketing strategies will be applied per each product mix, knowing at what class is the product along with well orientation of the product mix will be positively beneficial for both to the producer as well as to the consumers. The followings are some relations between product classification and product mix. (ADEOTI, 2010) Durability and Tangibility Classification and Product Mix: For durable and non-durable goods, there is a reflection on the life expectancy of the product. These classifications have strategic implications to the producer. Durable products are purchased infrequently and require personal selling. Perishable products need speedy distribution and luxury goods can be priced highly. Consumer Goods Classification and Product Mix: Convenience goods could be staples like food items bought on regular basis often by habit. It could also be impulsive items which are purchased, not because of planning but because of strongly felt need. It could also be emergency products which are needed to solve an immediate crisis. Brand Name would be very important for staple products while impulse products require a captivating packaging signal that will attract the consumers. For emergency products the consumers are less sensitive to price, therefore it is a circumstantial product. The understanding, of the buying behavior of the consumers for each of these sub-categories of convenience goods and the product characteristics will inform the producer on the appropriate marketing strategy options to be taken for higher returns. Shopping goods are bought rather infrequently and are used up very slowly. For homogenous shopping goods the prices should be relatively in the same range with other products in the same homogenous shopping goods category. For heterogeneous shopping goods consumers should consider the tangible features of these products and the associated services on offer before making a buying decision. Consumers are not usually sensitive to prices of heterogeneous shopping goods provided the product has some demonstrable advantage over its competitors. Promotional activity for this category of shopping goods should focus on pointing out unique attributes of the product rather than low prices. Specialty goods are products that have no acceptable substitutes in the mind of the consumer, where the uniqueness and superiority of the Specialty product stems from unrivalled quality superiority or design exclusivity. Specialty brands are what should be created. Producer should be encouraged by this superiority complex of the buyers and should not demean the quality. Consumers of such products are insensitive to price. Hence the mark up could be high for the targeted market, for unsought products, the consumer has no felt need for it. Many new products fall into this category, until their usefulness is known the consumer is not disposed to buying them. Personal selling and wide advertisement is required for unsought goods. There may be a need to even launch the product officially in the market place. Industrial Goods Classification and Product Mix: Installations goods are long-lasting products that are not bought very often. The number of potential buyers at any given time is usually small. These consist of buildings and fixed equipment. The producer must design it to specification and to supply post sale services. Accessory equipment; these comprise of portable factory equipment and tools. This equipment does not become part of the finished product; they simply help in the production process. Quality features, price and services are major considerations in vendor selection. Raw materials; these are goods that have been produced only enough to make handling convenient and safe. They enter the manufacturing process basically in their natural state. They originate either from agriculture or from industries such as mining and lumbering. Examples are cotton, man cue, crude oil and most farm produce. Fabricating materials; these undergo some degree of initial processing before they enter the product manufacturing process. This may be a relatively basic step such as changing iron ore into pig iron or wheat into flour. In other cases an ingredient may be completely prefabricated, such as an automobile tire or an electric motor for home appliance. The more complicated a product is, the more likely it is to contain both raw and fabricating materials. Facilitating goods; these are operating supplies that are used up in the operation of the firm but do not become part of the product. They are usually budgeted as expenses and have short life. The purpose of such goods is to keep the foundation goods functioning properly and to help in the handling and supply of the entering goods. Examples are lubricating oil; saw blades, cider forms and labels. The Product Life Cycle Product life-cycle (PLC) like human beings, products also have an arc. From birth to death, human beings pass through various stages e.g. birth, growth, maturity, decline and death. A similar life-cycle is seen in the case of products. The product life cycle goes through multiple phases, involves many professional disciplines, and requires many skills, tools and processes. Product life cycle (PLC) has to do with the life of a product in the market with respect to business/commercial costs and sales measures. (Niemann, Tichkiewitch, Westkà ¤mper, 2008) Product value and life are usually expected to follow the product life cycle (PLC), wherein products are expected to move from an investment toward a profitable mature peak that ends when the product is phased out. However; Christiansen et al assume that the value of a product is relational and that relationships between products and consumers are created, broken, and recreated. Value creation is a never-ending process, in that the product should be considered to be a process by which value constructions are constantly negotiated in actor networks. (Christiansen, Varnes, Gasparin, Storm-Nielsen, Vinther, 2010) Christiansen et al (2010) have concluded some actors that make the product timeless: Flexibility and adaptability that make it possible for the product to travel to new places and participate in new qualification processes and attach to new actors and be part of new networks. The ability to connect to different networks simultaneously as part of a network that stresses the high-end market attaching to the need for having a distinctive product to some, being a classical piece of sculpture-furniture to others and being related to contemporary artistic expressions to yet others. A strong core that provides the product with a unique and significant identity or expression, allowing for temporal interpretations or additions and modifications. Framing devices that help to position the product in settings that continue to present the product as relevant and useful in changing networks in a context in which others are constantly trying to get customers to attach to other networks. Serendipity-as fortune and misfortune cannot be accurately predicted or calculated when the out- come is a product of multiple connections over long time spans among potentially numerous human and non-human actors. Linkage between Product Life Cycle and marketing Strategies The product life cycle concept provides important insights for the marketing planner in anticipating developments throughout the various stages of a products life. Knowledge that profits assume a predictable pattern through the stages and that promotional emphasis must shift from product information in the early stages to heavy promotion of competing brands in the later ones should improve product planning decisions. Since marketing programs will be modified at each stage in the life cycle, an understanding of the characteristics of all four product life cycle stages is critical in formulating successful strategies. (Skidmore, 2005) Skidmore (2005) has divided the product life cycle into mainly four stages; Introduction Stage In the early stages of the product life cycle, the firm attempts to promote demand for its new market offering. Because neither consumers nor distributors may be aware of the product, marketers must use promotional programs to inform the market of the items availability and explain its features, uses, and benefits. New-product development and introductory promotional campaigns are expensive and commonly lead to losses in the first stage of the product life cycle. Yet these expenditures are necessary if the firm is to profit later. Growth Sales climb quickly during the products growth stage as new customers join the early users who are now repurchasing the item. Person-to-person referrals and continued advertising by the firm induce others to make trial purchases. The company also begins to earn profits on the new product. But this encourages competitors to enter the field with similar offerings. Price competition appears in the growth stage, and total industry profits peak in the later part of this stage. To gain a larger share of a growing market, firms may develop different versions of a product to target specific segments. Maturity Industry sales at first increase in the maturity stage, but eventually reach a saturation level at which further expansion is difficult. Competition also intensifies, increasing the availability of the product. Firms concentrate on capturing competitors customers, often dropping prices to further their appeal. Sales volume fades late in the maturity stage, and some of the weaker competitors leave the market. Firms spend heavily on promoting mature products to protect their market share and to distinguish their products from those of competitors. Decline Sales continue to fall in the decline stage of the product life cycle. Profits also decline and may become losses as further price cutting occurs in the reduced market for the item. The decline stage is usually caused by a product innovation or a shift in consumer preferences. The decline stage of an old product can also be the growth stage for a new product. Pricing The meaning of the price is broader than the traditional definition The price of a product or service is the number of monetary units a customer has to pay to receive one unit of that product or service. (Blois, Gijsbrechts, Campo, Oxford Textbook of Marketing, 2000) Blois et al (2000) have believed more in Hurt and Speh definition of the pricing where they believe that the cost of an industrial good includes much more than the sellers price, where they have concluded that implications of pricing is crucial to managers facing the pricing decision, therefore decision-makers have to consider the multidimensional view on prices. Additionally they have to recognize that complex pricing schemes may be needed, including a system of prices for different types of customers, product packages, and time periods. This observation is the essence of strategic pricing. Pricing strategy STRATEGY is the means by which an organization seeks to achieve its objectives (Adrian., 2000) Adrian (2000) explained how Strategic decisions about pricing cannot be made in isolation from other strategic marketing decisions, so, for example, a strategy that seeks a premium price position must be matched by product development strategy that creates a superior product and a promotional strategy that establishes in buyers minds the value that the product offers. Adrian (2000) then explained the relation between pricing strategy and the concept of positioning, where a strategy that combined high price with low quality may be regarded by customers as poor value and they are likely to desert such companies where they have a choice of suppliers. For most companies, such a strategy is not sustainable. A high quality/low price strategic position may appear very attractive to buyers, but it too may not be sustainable. Back to Blois et al (2000) where they highlighted how the price is also a component of the marketing mix and therefore impacts on overall sales via its contribution to the consumers perception of the products image. Pricing Objectives Marketing attempts to accomplish certain objectives through its pricing decisions. Research has shown that pricing objectives vary from firm to firm. Some companies try to maximize their profits by pricing their offerings very high. Others use low prices to attract new business. (Palmer, 2000) As per Palmer (2000); the three basic categories of pricing objectives are: Profitability Objectives Profit maximization is the basis of much of economic theory. However, it is often difficult to apply in practice, and many firms have turned to a simpler profitability objective-the target return goal. For example, a firm might specify the goal of a 9 percent return on sales or a 20 percent return on investment. Most target return pricing goals state the desired profitability in terms of a return on either sales or investment. Volume Objectives Another example of pricing strategy is sales maximization, under which management sets an acceptable minimum level of profitability and then tries to maximize sales. Sales expansion is viewed as being more important than short run profits to the firms long-term competitive position. A second volume objective is market share; the percentage of a market controlled by a certain company, product, or service. One firm may seek to achieve a 25 percent market share in a certain industry. Another may want to maintain or expand its market share for particular products or product lines. Social Objectives Objectives not related to profitability or sales volume; can be either of social and/or ethical considerations, status quo objectives, and image goals are often used in pricing decisions. Social and ethical considerations play an important role in some pricing situations. For example, the price of some goods and services is based on the intended consumers ability to pay. For example, some union dues are related to the income of the members. Internal factors affecting pricing Company objectives and strategies An essential ingredient of effective prices is their consistency with company objectives and overall marketing strategy. The realization of company objectives necessitates the development of an overall marketing strategy. To be effective and efficient, the companys pricing decisions must fit into this strategy, and be in line with decisions on other marketing-mix elements. Also, prices should not be set as an afterthought. Reflections on appropriate prices should occur at the time the product, communication, and distribution are conceived, because the different instruments of the mix have a synergetic influence on the market. There is ample evidence that the impact of pricing strategies and structures depends on the companies communication and distribution approach and on the products characteristics. (Blois, Gijsbrechts, Campo, Oxford Textbook of Marketing, 2000) Costs Costs have traditionally played a major role in pricing decisions. They constitute a basic ingredient for setting a price floor or lower boundary on acceptable prices. Cost Classification Costs can be classified along different dimensions. (Blois, Gijsbrechts, Campo, Oxford Textbook of Marketing, 2000) First Dimension First dimension concerns the degree to which costs can be directly attributed to specific products; where costs can be either direct traceable, indirect traceable or general costs. Direct traceable costs can be immediately associated with individual products, such as the cost of raw materials. Indirect traceable costs are not directly linked to, but can with some effort be traced back to, individual products, such as the cost of filling shelves is illustrative of this type. General costs, finally, cannot be linked to specific products, such as administrative overhead costs. Assessing direct traceable costs, and attributing indirect traceable costs, are important for pricing. Second Dimension Equally crucial is the distinction between variable and fixed costs. Which of these components should enter the pricing decision depends on the companys objective. For profit-maximizing companies, fixed cost may not affect optimal prices. Yet, for not-for-profit companies maximizing sales or participation subject to a deficit constraint, fixed cost may have a major effect on feasible outcomes. The companys time horizon also has a fundamental impact on the costs to be considered. Whether costs are fixed or variable depends on the time frame adopted by the company. Third Dimension Cost dynamics; where Short-term costs may differ from long-term cost levels as a result of changes in the scale of company operations. Economies of scale arise if the cost per unit decreases with the output level in a given period. This could be the result of the facility to share corporate resources across products, the use of more efficient (large-scale) production facilities, long production runs, access to volume discounts in purchases, or shipment in full carload or truckload lots. Experience effects are a second major source of declining production costs. Linkage between cost and pricing strategy As argued above, costs are related to price floors: they typically set a lower bound on prices. The contribution margin for a product equals its price minus its unit variable cost: if negative, selling the product at that price leads to a loss; if positive, at least part of the fixed cost can be recovered. While this principle seems utterly simple, the foregoing discussion illustrates that the determination and quantification of all relevant costs may be far from evident. The notion of costs as a price floor is blurred by product inter-dependencies, cost dynamics, cost allocation over channel members and company subsidiaries, and the pursuit of multiple company objectives. Yet, knowledge of basic cost components remains a crucial input to the pricing decision, and companies should strive for a complete picture of various cost issues. (Blois, Gijsbrechts, Campo, Oxford Textbook of Marketing, 2000) External factors affecting pricing AS well as there are internal factors that affect the firm, there are also many external factors that affect the firm that must be taken into account when prices are set. It is useful to consider these in four groups; first the characteristics of the customers themselves and then three aspects of the environment within which the firm operates. (Blois, Gijsbrechts, Campo, Oxford Textbook of Marketing, 2000) Customer characteristics Price-volume relationship (price sensitivity) The customers price sensitivity is usually measured by the price elasticity; the price elasticity is the relative change in demand (sales) resulting from a relative change in the unit price of the product. The price elasticity is affected by four factors; firstly, measured price sensitivities depend on how demand is quantified: market-share changes in response to price are typically larger than sales changes. Secondly, the nature of the price change affects elasticity outcomes. Market reactions to a regular price change may be different from response to temporary promotional price cuts. Thirdly, the level of price elasticity depends on distribution and communication, but especially on product characteristics. Products or services with a unique brand value are said to be less sensitive to price changes. Finally, price elasticity changes over the product life cycle (PLC). The traditional view is that price sensitivity increases as the product evolves over the life cycle, price sensitiv ity first declines as the product moves from the introduction to the growth and maturity stage, and then increases in the decline phase of the PLC. Individual consumers The traditional microeconomic picture of a consumer who correctly registers all prices and price changes, and acts rationally upon them so as to maximize his utility, has been falsified for quite some time. Consumers are heterogeneous in their levels of price search, knowledge, and recall accuracy. Consumers also differ in the location of their acceptable price range: they have different upper and lower price limits, different reference price levels, and different latitudes of acceptance around the reference price. A wide range of factors may explain these differences. Economic factors, such as perceived price differences, budget restrictions, and income levels, are a first source of heterogeneity. Search and transaction costs stemming from time constraints, mobility restrictions, age, household composition, and location, also affect consumer price processing and evaluation. Thirdly, human-capital characteristics such as time-management skills and basic knowledge may come into play. Fourthly, the level of price processing depends on the expected psychosocial returns from price information collection and product adoption, which are often related to culture and peer group. Finally, consumer traits like variety-seeking versus loyalty cause consumers to react differently to prices. As will be argued in subsequent sections, recognition of consumer heterogeneity is crucial for effective pricing: managers should exploit these differences in the development of pricing strategies and tactics. Industrial customers Industrial decision is believed to be more rational and based on more complete information. Price would, for example, be less often used as a quality signal in industrial settings. Other factors such as the importance in the total cost of the end product and the importance in the functioning of the end product are deemed more important determinants of the price sensitivity of industrial buyers than of individual consumers. Competitive environment In determining prices, the competitive environment should explicitly be accounted for. The level of demand associated with a given company price strongly depends on prevailing competitive prices. Moreover, in a dynamic setting, not only must current prices of competitors be taken into account, but so should competitive reactions. Competitive retaliation may attenuate pricing effects. It could even provoke price wars where prices of all market players are systematically reduced, possibly to unprofitable levels. Careful analysis of competition is, therefore, a prerequisite for effective pricing. Channel environment Most companies operate within a marketing channel: they obtain products, components, and/or materials from suppliers; and many pass their products onto intermediaries before they reach the end-users. The characteristics of the channel, and the (associated) reactions of channel members, strongly affect the nature of the pricing problem as well as the effectiveness of alternative pricing strategies, structures, and instruments. Legal environment In setting prices, managers must be aware of legal constraints that restrict their decision freedom such as: Consumer pricing regulations Governments can influence final consumer prices indirectly by means of VAT rates. They can also control prices directly by imposing price ceilings or price floors for specific product categories. Besides imposing restrictions on absolute price levels, governments can limit the freedom of co

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Health Inequalities and Human Rights in New Zealand

Health Inequalities and Human Rights in New Zealand Health inequalities preventable by reasonable ways are not fair, and in health are indicators of distributional imbalance. Worldwide people experience different social conditions that result in manageable differences in health, well-being, quality and length of life. The health system can help in establishing a fairer society and ensuring a fairer distribution of health resources. However, this needs a universal commitment of all people within the health system, including those responsible for policy, resource distribution, service provision and evaluation, hence; attempts to address health and social equity are evident in legislations formulated and implemented by the government. Like other countries, New Zealand legislations safeguard the right to health of its people. Of these legislations, the most significant is New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, which establishes a framework for the delivery of personal and public health and disability support services. PHDA sets strategic objective and goals for health and disability services to improve health and disability outcomes for New Zealanders, to minimise inequities by improving the health ofMaoriand other population groups, to facilitate community participation in personal health, public health, and disability support services and to facilitate access, and the distribution of information for the delivery of health and disability services. Health Act 1956 embodies provisions for environmental health, infectious diseases, health emergencies, and the national cervical screening programme. It gives the Ministry of Health the function of improving, promoting and protecting public health.[1] Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 ensures that health practitioners are fit and competent to practice their profession to ensure the public’s safety. As stated by the Ministry of Health, â€Å"The right to health is further protected by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (BoRA) (which applies to discrimination in the public sector); and the Human Rights Act 1993 (HRA) (which applies to the private sector); the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 (HDC) (which provides a complaints system to deal with issues of informed consent, the rights of consumers and the duties and obligations of health care providers identified in aCode of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights); and the Privacy Act 1993 (which, together with the Health Information Privacy Code 1994, protects individuals privacy).†[2] New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 It is commonly called as â€Å"The Bill of Rights†. It protects people from violations of their civil and political rights by the government, other public bodies and officials. Moreover, it reflects New Zealand’s commitment to the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on which the rights and freedom it covers are based. The Act protects a wide range of rights grouped into the following categories: Life and security rights Democratic and civil right Non-discrimination and minority rights Search, arrest and detention rights Criminal procedure rights Justice rights Non-discrimination rights refers to the freedom from discrimination on any of the prohibited grounds of discrimination included in the Human Rights Act 1993 Human Rights Act 1993 The Act aims to protect an individual’s human rights and seeks to do this in line with various United Nations conventions and covenants on human rights. It states that it is unlawful to discriminate against an individual because of personal characteristics. The act also provides a number of exemptions that allow discrimination when it would otherwise be unlawful under the Act. The rules in the Human Rights Act apply to discrimination by private organizations and individuals. On the other hand, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 covers the discrimination by the government and other public bodies. Consumers of any health or disability services are protected by rights contained in the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. Codes of Rights are as follows: Right 1: Respect- the right to be treated with respect (privacy, needs, values and beliefs. Right 2: Fair treatment – the right to be free from discrimination, coercion, harassment and sexual, financial or other exploitation at all times. Right 3: Dignity and Independence- the right to services rendered in such a way that respects their dignity and promotes independence. Right 4: Service of proper standard- consumers have the right to have services with reasonable care and skill, meet legal professional, ethical and other relevant standards, in correspondence to their needs and ensure minimization of potential harm and maximizes quality of life Right 5: Effective communication- the right to be given information on their health in a way the consumer comprehends, if needed, he must be provided with an interpreter Right 6: To be fully informed- to be fully aware of their situation or condition, to be given with sufficient information to make an informed choice Right 7: Informed choices and informed consent- consumers can only be given services if they have made an informed choice and informed consent unless there are reasonable grounds to believe they are not competent, also includes the right to withdraw at any time Right 8: Right to support- consumers have the right to have a support person or people with them when they are receiving services provided it is safe and will not unreasonably affect another consumer’s rights Right 9: Teaching and research- consumers are to be informed and have the right to refuse when subjected to research or studies Right 10: Right to complain- consumers have the right to complain, may it be about the healthcare provider or organization. Health Information Privacy Code 1994 The code sets down specific policies that health professionals must follow when collecting information from consumers and when they can release information to other people. It also specifically enables consumers to have access to their own health information. Health professionals must collect health information directly from the consumer, not from other people, unless the consumer is deemed not to be competent to provide information. Furthermore, information must be gathered in a manner that is fair and does not unreasonably intrude to their personal affairs. Generally, heath professionals cannot divulge a consumer’s health information to others unless doing so puts the consumer or another person’s safety and wellbeing at imminent danger.[3] REFERENCES: (2013).Community Law Manual: A practical guide to everyday New Zealand law. Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley New Zealand Ministry of Health. Retrieved 15 June 2014 Human Rights Commission. Retrieved 15 June 2014 [1] New Zealand Ministry of Health. Retrieved 15 June 2014 [2] Human Rights Commission. Retrieved 15 June 2014 [3] (2013).Community Law Manual: A practical guide to everyday New Zealand law. Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley

Monday, August 19, 2019

Analyzing Eyre and Copperfield Essay -- Literary Analysis

In the novels Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, the protagonists are retrospectively looking back on their lives and illustrating tribulations they endured regarding familial, social, and romantic relationships. At the end of both novels, the central characters find harmony in idealistic partners. Ultimately, both novels demonstrate the necessity of eminent relationships, the impingement of negative relationships, and the experiences that led both protagonists to recognize the difference between which relationships were hindering and which were constructive. The Bildungsroman genre entails a character’s formative years and his or her development from childhood. The characters from this type of novel recall, in detail, past relationships and experiences that impacted the characters growth, maturity, and exemplar for their relationships with other characters. An important component to Bildungsroman novels is the concentration on the characters childhood (Gottfried & Miles, 122). In Jane Eyre and David Copperfield, both characters childhoods were despondent. Both characters experience the loss of a parent: Jane is a literal orphan; David’s loss is metaphorical, then literal. When Jane Eyre begins, Jane has already lost both parents and is under the guardianship of her aunt, Sarah Reed. Reed and her children, Jane’s cousins, are abusive to Jane and never accept Jane as family. Jane has lost both parents and with the death of her uncle, Sarah’s husband and an advocate for Jane, Jane is without any caring re lationship. In addition to being without affection, Jane must endure torment. It is this lack of adoration that leads Jane to seek acceptance throughout her life, while attempting t... ...ight is present as the main character retells their life story, but is capable of exhibiting the naivety and inexperience that the character possessed at specific stations throughout their life. Works Cited The Undisciplined Heart of David Copperfield Gwendolyn B. Needham Nineteenth-Century Fiction , Vol. 9, No. 2 (Sep., 1954), pp. 81-107 Published by: University of California Press Article Stable URL: Defining Bildungsroman as a Genre Marianne Hirsch Gottfried and David H. Miles PMLA , Vol. 91, No. 1 (Jan., 1976), pp. 122-123 Published by: Modern Language Association Article Stable URL: Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Charleston: Forgotten Books, 2008. Print. Burstyn, Joan. Victorian Education and the Ideal of Womanhood. Hatfield, UK: Routledge, 1980. 138-40. Print.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

John Keats techniques to evoke the readers senses Essay -- essays pape

John Keats techniques to evoke the readers senses Question: Examine various techniques a poet can use to evoke reader response to a subject in reference to two or more poems Answer: John Keats uses various techniques in his compositions to evoke a reader’s response to his theme. In Keats’s poem, â€Å"On first looking into Chapman’s Homer† depicts Keats’s emotions and feelings after being read Chapman’s Elizabethan translation of the Odyssey. To show the magnitude of his delight, Keats compares his feelings to those of many explorers, who discover the wonders of the world and universe. On first looking into Chapman’s Homer is an Italian sonnet, with 14 lines, in the classic rhyme pattern of abbaabbacdcdcd, and is written in an iambic pentametre which gives the poem a lyrical flow. The poem begins with a calm beginning, in the voice of ripe experience. â€Å"Much have I traveled in the realms of gold. And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;† The calm beginning then mounts to the excitement of the climax towards the end. â€Å"Wild surmise† which is then confirmed by the ne...

Ramases II - The Greatest of Egypts Pharaohs Essay -- Biography Biogr

Ramases II - The Greatest of Egypt's Pharaohs Rameses II, he was the third of his line in the Nineteenth Dynasty, son of Seti I, and grandson of Rameses I. He ruled for nearly seventy years in the middle of a Period known, as the New Kingdom when Egypt was at it’s most powerful. During His reign 1279-1213, Egypt enjoyed an era of prosperity and stability, not only internally, but externally as well. He is responsible for the building of more Monuments and famous structures than any other pharaoh, having many Structures and statues renamed as if he commissioned them himself. By the end of his unusually long sixty-six-year long reign, he was famous throughout the then known ancient world. Ramses I was chosen as heir to King Horemheb, the last king of the Eighteenth Dynasty after serving as general, vizier, Commander of the Army of the Ruler of Two Lands, High Priest of all the Gods and Hereditary Prince of the Entire Land. King Horemheb chose Ramses as his successor as he had no children of his own, he too was chosen by the previous pharaoh. Ramses I not only had a son, Seti, a soldier who was married to Tuya, also from a military family, but a grandson, also called Rameses as well. A strong military background was important and all of these factors probably helped in Horemheb’s decision. Having sons and grandsons ensured Rameses of having heirs to carry on the new dynasty. In 1295, BCE, Horemheb died, Rameses I first royal act, the overseeing of his secret burial rites in the Valley of the Kings. Rameses I took this time to pick out his own burial tomb and began preparations to be buried next to his friend Horemheb. Rameses I and his son Seti planned fabulous buildings, and had existing buildings and monuments redone wi... ...alley of the Golden Mummies. (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 2000) Menu, Bernadette Ramesses II Greatest of the Pharaohs (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1999) Thomas, Susanna Rameses II Pharaoh of the New Kingdom (New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 2003) Wallenfels, Ronald and Sasson, Jack M. The Ancient Near East (New York, Detroit, San Francisco, London, Boston, Woodbridge CT.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, The Gale Group 2000) World Book Encyclopedia Volume R (Chicago: Scott Fetzer Company 2003) McMahan, Ian Secrets of The Pharaohs (New York: Avon Books, Inc. 1998) Bunson, Margaret The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt (New York: Facts of File, Inc. 1991) Johnson, Paul The Civilization of Ancient Egypt (New York: Harper Collins Publishers 1978,1998 and 1999) Tiano, Olivier Ramses II and Egypt (New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc. 1995)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How to Write Case Analysis

Read a case at your normal speed without stopping to take notes. Read the assignment at the end of the case (if there is an assignment), and then carefully read the entire case again, taking notes in the margins as you read. Your task is to identify problems in the case, formulate recommendations to solve these problems, and then write your analysis with the following four headings: 1. Summary of the facts presented. 2. Analysis of the problems. 3. Recommendations for solutions to the problems. 4. Implications your recommendations will have on the operation of the organization.Follow the above format even if there are Assignment questions at the end of the case. Important: Weave the answers to the Assignment questions into your â€Å"Recommendations† section. As you write your case analysis, you must include appropriate references to the assigned reading. Your references should be in the following formats: For books and articles, (Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 1996. p. 126) and fo r Web articles and material, (www. charleswarner. us/articles/BUDGETS. html. September, 2004). The date in the Web reference is the month you accessed a Web site.Do not include a bibliography or references section at the end of your case analysis unless you refer to books or articles that are not Required or Recommended Reading. Summary Begin your write-up with a concise synthesis of the facts in the case, under the heading â€Å"Summary. † Stick to one or two sentences and do not put any discussion of problems or recommendations for solutions in this section. Analysis The most important section of your case analysis comes next, under the heading â€Å"Analysis. † This section should be the longest, most thorough section of your write-up.Managers cannot solve problems unless they can first identify them. Recognizing problems and then understanding the nature of the problems is the proper beginning of all managerial action. Solutions generally fall in place relatively e asily once problems are recognized and understood. There are often several viable solutions to problems in a case, but you cannot implement any of them if you cannot identify the problems. It is important that there are references to the assigned reading in the Analysis section.Your grade will depend, to a large degree, on how many appropriate, relevant, references you include in your write-up. Recommendations Next, write your recommendations on to how to solve the problems in a section titled â€Å"Recommendations. † Put the solutions in order of priority. It is vitally important that you include references to the assigned reading in the Recommendations section, too. If there are questions or assignments at the end of the case, weave your answers into the Recommendations section of the case.Implications. Finally, in your â€Å"Implications† section you should elaborate what implications your recommendations will have on the operation of the organization in the short a nd long term and what broader policy implications your recommendations might have not only on your organization but also on the business community, if there are any. In other words, if your recommendations are implemented, what changes will the organization and the business community in general have to make in the way they do things now and in the future? Include appropriate references in this section, too.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The True Gospel of Wealth: Andrew Carnegie.

U. S History September 17,2012 The True Gospel of Wealth: Andrew Carnegie The True Gospel of Wealth, an article written by one of the richest, most powerful men of the 19th century, is a guide to a nation virgin to mass amounts of wealth, and power. Carnegie is a self made millionaire, who immigrated to the United States with less than a dollar in his pocket. This fact would serve important in Carnegies epic rise to fortune, also in developing such philosophical understandings as, The True Gospel of Wealth. Andrew Carnegie was a firm believer in idea of individualism.That everyman must work and rise on his own ambition alone, that each man for themselves. In other word, he did not believe in the communist thought of working for the wealth of your brotherhood. Carnegie describes it as evolution of the human class. That it is beyond human control to determine the distribution of wealth. It is good for a nation to have, one end the wealthy, while on the other side, the poor. In this, ou r nation has grown to know a higher grade of living than what our forefathers experienced. Carnegie goes on to say, â€Å"The poor enjoy what the rich could not before afford.What were the luxuries have become the necessities of life. The laborer has now more comforts than the farmer had a few generations ago. † This passage explains Carnegie’s idea that as the rich get richer, the poorer ultimately reap the benefits of this evolutionary growth of class. This, in fact, depended entirely upon the mode of distribution of wealth the rich man chooses. Moreover, Carnegie explains that there are three different modes of distribution a rich man can employ. The first mode described, a bestowment of fortune to the first son. Which was a common practice during many years f a stringent class system in Great Britain. This ultimately led to a burden of wealth amongst rich who have no conscientiousness of how critical proper distribution of wealth is for evolutionary growth. The sec ond mode, which Carnegie describes as the worst possible thing a man can do in his life, is distributing wealth, cash over fist to the impoverished. To simply give money as â€Å"charity† to a man who has none, is to only feed into his follies as a man. Carnegie believes that in an every 1,000 dollars given to charity, 950 dollars of it goes to waste.The rich man who simply hands money away in small sums to others themselves only stalls the growth of character and ambition throughout the Nation. Nonetheless, the third mode is which Carnegie beckons as the start of a great evolutional growth in the distribution of wealth amongst classes. Carnegie believes that the rich must supply the poor with not money directly to their pockets, which would coax temptations. Rather, the rich must supply the less fortunate with the means to grow as people, to heighten ambitions, and raise the level of class.This is done through, for example, the construction of a public library. Carnegie, in fact, tells a tale of Mr. Tilden. Mr. Tilden, a wealthy man, builds a large public library in New York City. This distributes more than a couple quarters could ever, the ability for any man to enhance his learning and opportunities for free. In result, Carnegie has lead us as a young nation on the brink of unthinkable upsurge of wealth, power, and respect from around the world to a place of great thought. In this individualistic ideal of life, Carnegie believes we can grow exponentially as a people under the right circumstances.A system of distribution, and a system of support meant to reach the lowest of the impoverished. A system, nonetheless, that requires a strict set of laws. Best described by Andrew Carnegie himself. â€Å"Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to e solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor†¦ but administering (wealth) for the commun ity far better than it could or would have done for itself. †

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Concerts Across Time

Music Is the heart of culture and has affected people In more ways than the average person can have on someone. It can take you on a journey or help bring closure to a(n) ending journey. Music has always done this through the changes in time and the persona behind the music. Music will always grasp the changing culture's heart based on the time period. Baroque music is different from what today's culture would call popular music. The role of music concerts is also something to be studied further in the paper as well.People who attended Baroque concerts may very well differ from the people who attend today's rock concerts. Then we cannot forget the impact that technology has had on music of the past and the present. Baroque music can be classified as a dramatic style of music per Webster Dictionary. The concert I chose to listen to was Monteverdi Amour Sacra, Amour Profane. This piece was very beautiful and touching. I enjoyed It much more than I thought I would have considering I Eve never really listened to his music, though I have listened to various other classical composers of the Baroque period.The reason that I enjoyed this concert was because of the ensemble for one. The vocals were very beautiful and relaxing and made me feel at peace with the world around me. Parts of the music made me want to dance in a ballroom wearing a big fancy gown. Other parts of the concert made me think of life as it were back then and wonder what it would've been like to be there in person and watch the actual performance. On another note popular music deals with music that Is popular to today's society. For this concert, I chose a concert performed by Evanescence which was posted on Youth.This concert was definitely not a favorite. Though I am familiar with some of their earlier works, this concert was not exactly something to put the mind at ease, It was more of pumping up the crowd and a little dark. The vocals could not be heard as clearly as the previous concert and the tone was definitely a bit darker. So overall I did not enjoy this concert as much as I did the performers of the Baroque music. There are various similarities and differences amongst the two genres of music. The role of concerts from both the Baroque period and now are similar in that they re for entertainment.Back in the Baroque time period music was performed at churches or for the King and Queens or for anyone who could afford such an event. Almost like concerts today that are held for anyone that will be willing to pay versus just the rich and noble. The people that attend today's rock concerts however are generally classified as memo, Goth, skaters, snowboarders, rock and roll fans and the list could go on. If we look at popular music as a whole however, everyone who Is anyone will attend a concert. The basis for this Is that It depends on what type of USIA a person likes.Someone who attends a rock concert might not attend a Jazz concert, it all just depends whereas in the Baro que period concerts were held to a The instruments from both of these concerts were complete opposite of each other much like the difference between Baroque music and popular music. Though they have many parts that are necessary to the sound of the music, they are very different in the instruments selected. In the Baroque period instruments such as the cello, harpsichord, violin and many others were a major part of the ensemble.In today's music instruments can vary from one essential piece such as the keyboard to a whole band such as in the Baroque period. It very well depends on the style but in the essence of rock music there are only four major players needed such as the bass guitar, electric guitar, the drums and a vocalist. The people that attend these concerts also create a different setting and mood in itself. Other differences include the sound of the music. Baroque music overall offers a sense of peace or excitement. In some cases it makes one want to dance with a partner i n a ballroom setting.Popular music on the other hand can make one want to dance alone or with someone. It can be at home or at a club. The feelings created can range from anger to peacefulness. It cannot be categorized into one overall concept or idea. In general both Baroque and popular music speak to the crowd attending the concert. They can both draw in a crowd and be performed on stage. The locations however may vary. One may be performed in a church setting where another will be performed live at a theater or other venue. Overall one could say that people attend concerts to feel good, to see their favorite artist or to Just go with the in crowd.People attend concerts for many different reasons and each person has a personal reason for attending a concert. With the advance in technology music will always be constantly changing. People today can make music from their homes on their computers and then post it to the web and become an instant hit or a slow moving one. The change in technology has allowed us as a society to count the next big artist from home, to create new sounds with the touch of a button. It has created the ability to download software and share USIA with our friends and family.Technology allows us to be at concerts and share videos of the concerts with anyone we know. Technology will continually have an impact on music because more people are tuning in. More people want music on demand and at the touch of a few buttons can watch concerts live from the consorts of their home. Technology is changing everything and everyone is trying to keep up as music making applications are brought to our mobile phones. Technology has made it possible for music to be everywhere at one time with each person enjoying hat they value most about music.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Physics of a Truss Bridge

There is many reason that we need bridges in every day of our life, from sufficient means to pass over a roadway, waterway, railway, or other structure. You don’t even think about them because it takes no effort to get over them and they are just there for your use. So if you don’t think of them for everyday use I highly doubt that you would think of the physics that is involved in putting one together or the kind of force the bridge can actually take.I am going to show you the max force a truss bridge can take by demonstration it to you in class and also by trying to calculate it. I am also going to go over the many ways that truss bridges can fail and come to a tumbling crash. Before I get into the physics of the bridge you need to know what a truss bridge is and how it works. A truss is a structure composed of members connected together to form a rigid framework. Members are the load-carrying components of a structure. In most trusses, members are arranged in interco nnected triangles, as shown below.Because of this configuration, truss members carry load primarily in tension and compression. Because trusses are very strong for their weight, they are often used to span long distances. They have been used extensively in bridges since the early 19th century; however, truss bridges have become somewhat less common in recent years. Today trusses are often used in the roofs of buildings and stadiums, in towers, construction cranes, and many similar structures and machines. An easy way to understand how a truss bridge works is to use a nutcracker and a sting tied to the ends of the nutcracker.So even if you push down on the nutcracker it will not move or slide on the table. This is because the nutcracker is in equilibrium. I am going to show you a little of a harder way of calculating it with three triangles that are in the shape of a truss bridge so you can understand how the bridge works 400N 800N A B C D E 2m 500 N 700 N Sum of torques = (1m) (-400 N) + (3m) (-800N) + (4m) (E) =0 E= 700N Sum of forces = Ay +E -400N- 800N Ay = 500N Now that we know how the forces are laid out, let’s take a look at what is happening at point A.Remember that all forces are in equilibrium, so they must add up to zero. 500N 60Â ° A T Ac T AB Sum of Fx = Tac + Tab Cos 60 =0 Sum of Fy = Tab sin 60 +500N = 0 Solving for the two above equation we get Tab = -577 N Tac = 289 N When you apply external loads to a structure, external reactions occur at the supports. But internal forces are also developed within each structural member. In a truss, these internal member forces will always be either tension or compression. A member in tension usually stretches, like a rubber band because the tension force tends to make a member longer.This is the opposite for compression. When a member is in compression it is usually being squashed, like squashing a block of foam between your hands. B 289 N 289 N 577 N TAB = -577 N TAC = 289 N B A A 577 N The negative force means that there is a compression force and a positive force means that there is a tension force. Now let’s take a look at point B. 700 N 500 N 2m E D C B A 800N 400N 577 N B 60Â ° TBC TBD 400 N Sum of FX= TBD + TBC Cos 60 +577 Cos 60 = 0 Sum of FY = -400 N + 577 Sin 60 – TBC Sin 60 = 0Once again, solving the two equations TBC = 115 N and TBD = -346 N If we calculated the rest of the forces acting on the various points of out truss, we will see that there is mixture of both compression and tension forces and that these forces are spread out across the truss. When I am going to test the maximum force of my paper truss bridge, I have calculated that it should hold 5 kilograms with no problems and probably will even get up to 10 kilograms. My bridge weighs about 55 grams so my bridge should have a strength-to-weight ratio of over 90, which is very good and if I can get it to hold 10 kilograms it will be wonderful.Once we hit the maximum load we are going to see my bridge come to a crashing end. My crash will be due to over loading, but there is many more reason why bridges come to crashing ends. Some of the more common ones are overloading, collisions that cause damage to the bridge, poor construction, and wear and tear. There are many other things that could make a bridge fail but they get particular, like a bolt in a joint rusting out causing the whole structure to become unsound. Overall we have learned the physics that it takes to keep truss bridges stands, which is a lot.We also came to understand that there is a lot of tension and compression in a truss bridge and that it is a key component of the bridge even though you can’t really see it happening. Plus how bridges will eventually come to a crashing end and what cause them too and hopefully that what we will see happen to my bridge when I demonstrate it in class.Bibliography Boon, Garrett. Model Bridge design. 2010. 30 11 2010 . Britannica, Encyclopeadia. truss bridge. 2010. 31 12 2010 . Buzzle. com intelligent life on the web. 2009. 31 11 2010 . Donan Engineering. 2010. 29 11 2010 . Serway, vuille. College Physics. belmont, CA: brooks/cole, 2009.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Reluctant Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Reluctant Workers - Essay Example Leadership skills were just as important as the project manager would have to present himself as the role model for his employees and always be in high spirits to uphold the confidence of his team and motivate it sufficiently towards the project’s goal (Kerzner, 2009). Finally, organization skills were equally important in this case as the project manager would be required to possess a deep understanding of the organization and its culture, its structure as well as the way of working (Kerzner, 2009). This would enable the project manager to understand the psychology of his teammates and tackle them accordingly. Unlike other skills, organization skills are particularly useful during formation and startup of a project. The program manager is often required to integrate workers from various departments for the development of cross-functional teams when organizing work teams. These teams need to be provided with sound leadership that ensures team cohesion and provides a sense of u nified direction. Since the team includes people from various departments, conflict of interest is highly likely. ... II. Tim Aston’s skills and effectiveness As mentioned in the first part, the first skill at play was that of team building; Tim was unable to have people voice their concerns to him and was unable to ensure open communication on the part of his team members which is the building block of team building skills. He lacked the ability to motivate his employees; hence, he lacked strong interpersonal skills. Furthermore, he was unable to develop a relationship with his subordinates that resulted in greater friction between him and the 40-year old employees. He wasn’t effective in getting people shun their departmental interests for the greater good of the project. The second skill was that of leadership; Tim continually faced the problem of getting his team united to work towards one direction- that of executing the project. He was unable to unify his team mates towards a single goal- that of project management. Various leadership traits have been identified by theorists incl uding charisma, assertiveness, task competence, decisiveness (Northouse, 2009). His workers wouldn’t stay back beyond 4:30 for fear of missing the car pool. This represented Tim’s failure to pursue individuals to sacrifice their personal welfare for organizational goals. Tim lacked the personality traits of charisma and assertiveness to motivate and convince the employees to work rather than leave the office. Finally, Tim lacked adequate organizational skills; he was unable to organize the people towards project management. It seemed that each individual was adamant at pursuing his/her individual goals, thus, Tim lacked the skill to organize people in a team. He also lacked a thorough